Film and Television Industry
The Everyone Project is being used by the Australian film and television industry as a simple but comprehensive way of measuring and reporting on its diversity. This initiative is led by the Screen Diversity and Inclusion Network (SDIN) - a group of the major Australian broadcasters, screen funding agencies and trade organisations.
How it works
There are four main steps in how The Everyone Project works.
Step 1. Productions register their project and upload cast and crew contact information, such as the name, role and e-mail address.
Step 2. The platform then personally invites these contributors to a comprehensive, but quick demographic survey.
Step 3. Contributors complete the survey
Step 4. The Everyone Project platform generates de-identified reports for Subscribers
Help your industry thrive
Easy & Engaging
Designed with extensive industry input, simple to register your project and a survey that takes most people about 2 minutes to do on their phone.
Respectful & Inclusive
Extensive stakeholder consultation ensures we’re asking the right questions, the right way.
Specifically designed to protect individuals’ privacy and provide the strongest available legal protections.
Data encrypted and stored on Australian servers maintained by an Australian Signals Directorate Certified Cloud Service.